
  • Aug 25, 2023IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement ( Volume: 72)2023

    Paper Title : An Innovative Miniaturized Cell Imaging System Based on Integrated Coaxial Dual Optical Path Structure and Microfluidic Fixed Frequency Sample Loading Strategy MesGen Biotech Product in this paper : Cat.No.MG4589. Acridine Ora...

  • Aug 25, 2023APL Mater.11, 081110 (2023) IF=6.635

    Paper Title : Wet spinning is employed to produce spider silk with high elasticity MesGen Biotech Product in this paper : Cat.No.MCT8010. Live-Dead Cytotoxicity Assay Kit...

  • Aug 15, 2023Research Square, 28 Sep 2022. DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-1529862/v2

    Paper Title : The influence of the structure (surface roughness, pore size, and porosity) of 3D printed silk-fibroin-based scaffolds on the growth of the bronchial epithelial cells in vitro MesGen Biotech Product in this paper : Cat.No.MG64...

  • Aug 14, 2023原子能科学技术.2023年第57卷增刊

    Paper Title : 超高剂量率放疗和常规放疗对小鼠脾脏辐射损伤的转录组学比较研究 MesGen Biotech Product in this paper : Cat.No.MR9000.总RNA提取试剂Meszol...

  • Aug 14, 2023China Pharmacy.2023.Vol.34 No.15

    Paper Title : 小檗碱通过下调METTL3表达抑制肾癌细胞侵袭和迁移的机制 MesGen Biotech Product in this paper : Cat.No.MG4905-S. DMEM Cat.No.MAN1001.Mouse monoclonal antibody to -Actin Cat.No.MFB1661. Fetal bovine serum...

  • Aug 08, 2023Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 1219 IF=6.01

    Paper Title : Characteristic Evaluation of Recombinant MiSp/Poly(lactic-co-glycolic) Acid (PLGA) Nanofiber Scaffolds as Potential Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering MesGen Biotech Product in this paper : Cat.No.MG3150 Phosphate-Buffered...

  • Jun 20, 2023eBioMedicine 2023;93: 104650. https://doi.org/10. 1016/j.ebiom.2023. 104650. IF=11.205

    Paper Title : Non-canonical role of UCKL1 on ferroptosis defence in colorectal cancer MesGen Biotech Product in this paper : Cat. No. MIK4893. Iron Assay Kit...

  • Jun 05, 2023Science China-Life Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11427-023-2378-x. IF=10.384

    Paper Title : Multi-valent mRNA vaccines against monkeypox enveloped or mature viron surface antigens demonstrate robust immune response and neutralizing activity MesGen Biotech Product in this paper : Cat. No. MG882. Single-Component TMB S...

  • May 17, 2023Food Chemistry.2023.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.136371. IF=9.231

    Paper Title : Carbon dots in Breadcrumbs: Effect of Frying on Them and Interaction with Human Serum Albumin MesGen Biotech Product in this paper : Cat. No. MSS0511. Simulated Saliva Fluid Cat. No. MSG0250. Simulated Gastric Fluid Cat. No. M...

  • May 16, 2023BMC Medicine (2023) 21:183. IF=8.097

    Paper Title : Unexpectedly higher levels of anti‑orthopoxvirus neutralizing antibodies are observed among gay men than general adult population MesGen Biotech Product in this paper : Cat.No.MG882.TMB...