
  • Jul 12, 2018Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research.2016,Vol.20 Issue (52): 7788-7795

    Paper Title : Osteoinductivity and performance of silk fibroin solution MesGen Biotech Product in this paper : Toluidine Blue Solution (Cat.No. MG9109)...

  • Jul 12, 2018Polymer Chemistry.2016,7,6178-6188.IF=5.687

    Paper Title : Pillar[5]arene-based amphiphilic supramolecular brush copolymers: fabrication, controllable self-assembly and application in self-imaging targeted drug delivery MesGen Biotech Product in this paper : Fetal Bovine Serum (Cat.No...

  • Jul 12, 2018J. Mater. Chem. B, 2016, 4,4295--4301 IF=4.543

    Paper Title : A novel aminoclaycurcumin hybrid for enhanced chemotherapy MesGen Biotech Product in this paper : Phosphate buffered saline (Cat.No.MG3150)、4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) (Cat.No.MG1893)...

  • Jul 12, 2018Biomaterials.2016 103:44-55.IF=8.56

    Paper Title : Nanoparticle-facilitated autophagy inhibition promotes the efficacy of chemotherapeutics against breast cancer stem cells MesGen Biotech Product in this paper : Penicillin-Streptomycin Solution (Cat # MG7989) and 0.25% Trypsin...

  • Jul 12, 2018Biomaterials.2016, 88:48-59.IF=8.56

    Paper Title : Tumor acidity-sensitive linkage-bridged block copolymer fortherapeutic siRNA delivery MesGen Biotech Product in this paper : Penicillin-Streptomycin Solution (Cat # MG7989) and 0.25% Trypsin-EDTA (1X) Phenol Red (Cat # MG2405)...

  • Jul 12, 2018Biomaterials.2016, 82:48-59.IF=8.56

    Promoting tumor penetration of nanoparticles for cancer stem cell therapy by TGF-b signaling pathway inhibition Mouse serum and CCK-8 were purchased from Mesgen Biotech (Shanghai, China)....

  • Jul 12, 2018Biomacromolecules.2016, 17(1):98–110.IF=5.75

    Amphiphilic Diblock Terpolymer PMAgala-b-P(MAA-co-MAChol)s With Attached Galactose and Cholesterol Grafts and Their Intracellular pH-responsive Doxorubicin Delivery Cited Product : Goat-anti- rabbit IgG(H+L)-HRP (Cat.No. MAN4001-100UL) , Goa...

  • Jul 12, 2018Autophagy.2016,12(8):1330-1339 IF=11.75

    Paper Title : Structural Basis of FYCO1 and MAP1LC3A Interaction Reveals a Novel Binding Mode for Atg8-Family Proteins MesGen Biotech Product in this paper : Phosphate-buffered saline (Cat # MG3150-500ML)...

  • Jul 12, 2018Autophagy.2016,12(8):1292-1309 IF=11.75

    Paper Title : The circadian clock regulates autophagy directly through the nuclear hormone receptor Nr1d1/Rev-erb and indirectly via Cebpb/(C/ebp) in zebrafish MesGen Biotech Product in this paper : JC-1 Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Dye...

  • Jul 12, 2018Acta Biomaterialia.2016, 29:365–379.IF=6.03

    Paper Title : Osteogenic differentiation and bone regeneration of the iPSC-MSCs supported by a biomimetic nanofibrous scaffold. MesGen Biotech Product in this paper : Oil Red O Stain Solution (Cat # MG8116-100ML) , Toluidine Blue Stain Solu...