产品货号 产品名称 CAS号 包装 市场价(人民币) 库存状态
MG2306 0.25%胰酶(1X)不含酚红
-100ml60.00In stock
-500ml270.00In stock

a : 2.5 g/L of Trypsin  (1:250)
b : Without Calsium and Magnesian ions.
Property and contamination test
a : biochemical examination of trypsin to ensure the dispersing activity and enzyme specificity.
b : Test for Porcineparvovirus and mycoplasma.
pH range
7.2 - 8.0
Tests Performed
In Vitro Bioassay
Shipping Condition
Wet Ice

For Research Use Only. Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures. 

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